Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to create LVM partition in command mode

LVM partition in command mode

LVM is most popular porcess in HDD partition. In LVM partition has a great facitilities. When you extend your partition using LVM, then without data loss you may extend any partition if you have free space. The free space will be same HDD or any other HDD. You may add or extend with your partition without data loss. As a system admin you have to know LVM partition.

If you have to maintain a mail server, your /var is 1TB. In a certain time (may be 5 - 8 years later, it depends on your user) your /var/log/mail will be fill up 1 TB. Then what will you do?

Whatever, to ignore your problem, please follow below step:

# fdisk -cul /dev/sda [to see hdd status]

# fdisk -cu /dev/sda [hdd partition command]

Command (m for help): n

Command action

e extended

p primary partition (1-4)


Partition number (1-4): 1

First cylinder (1-1044, default 1):                   [blank enter]

Monday, July 8, 2013

How to configure nfs

NFS Configuration Command



NFS = Network File System

Share File or Directory/Folder in Server PC:

In Server PC:

# mkdir /test20
# vim /etc/exports
  test/20        [Only this ip will get shared]
  test/20        [all ip will get shared under this network]
  test/20    example.com(rw)            [all ip will get shared under this domain]
# service nfs restart                                                        [service will be restart. N.B: some service will 
                                                                                       failed, need second time this command]
# service nfs restart
# chkconfig nfs on
# showmount -e localhost

Thursday, July 4, 2013

How to create ISO file using command line.

Command of ISO Making

You may use this command for Redhat Linux 6.X version/CentOS 6.X/. 

How to make ISO from cd ROM, please follow the steps:

$ su                                                                [super user]
password:                                                      [type your root password]
# dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/xyz.iso                    [iso command]

After complete ISO making, go to Computer > Filesystem > xyz.iso. Now you may use this ISO where you lile.

dd= Destroyer of Disks
if= input file
of= output file 

How to make ISO from hard drive, please follow the steps:

$ su -                                                              [super user]
password:                                                      [type your root password]
# cd /home/guest/rony/Desktop                    [go to present user desktop]
# mkisofs -o etc.iso /etc                                [ISO making command]

After complete ISO making, please cheak your desktop. A etc.ios file are available in your desktop. Now you may use this ISO where you lile.